We offer here a list of upcoming sanctity of life learning opportunities. Among the offering, the list includes continuing education courses sponsored by our seminaries and other institutions of higher learning which are open to laypersons as well as pastors. Note that all offerings by our seminaries and universities loudly proclaim the sanctity of life; we have selected some that are of special interest. We also encourage you to set up an account at the LCMS Life Ministry Volunteer portal, and "fan" the LCMS Life Ministry, the English District, and the geographic district in your area, to be notified of opportunities to serve. You may access the Portal at https://www.lcms-life.org/. We would love to list conferences and courses in your area! Please send the details to roni.grad@gmail.com, and we will add them to this page.


March 14-15: Mercy: Love Throughout Life conference - Sponsored by LCMS Office of National Mission, at Concordia University, Irvine, CA; Grace Lutheran Church, St. Petersburg, FL; LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO; and online.  More information and a link to register are available at https://calendar.lcms.org/event/mercy-love-throughout-life-conference-2025/.

State and local marches and rallies in Phoenix, AZ (March 15). More information and links to register are available at https://www.lcms-life.org/need/. Watch the site for more opportunities as they arise!

State and local marches and rallies in Richmond, VA (March for Life, April 2). More information and links to register are available at https://www.lcms-life.org/need/. Watch the site for more opportunities as they arise!

Ontario March for Life, Saturday, May 10, in Toronto.  Bishop Miskus will lead a pre-march service along with Rev. Dr. Dusan Tillinger, at 9 a.m. at St. Paul’s Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1424 Davenport Road, Toronto, ON, M6H 2H8.  Following the service, carpooling will be arranged to the rally and march at the Ontario Legislative Building in Queen’s Park.  Lunch and workshops will follow.  Although not required, participants are urged to register for the event at https://www.lcms-life.org/need/detail/?need_id=1046040.  For more information, contact English District Lifeline Team member Glenn Kahle at Kahle123@rogers.com.

State and local marches and rallies in Jefferson City, MO (May 1).  More information and links to register are available at https://www.lcms-life.org/need/. Watch the site for more opportunities as they arise!

July 7-9: Dying Well in Christ: A Forum on the Church’s Care at Life’s End, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The conference will bring pastors and the people of God together to consider death and dying in light of what Lutherans believe, teach, and confess.  Remember that we proclaim the sanctity of life from fertilization to forever! Save the dates; registration will go live in February.  Follow the conference page on Facebook; also, we will provide information in Servant to Servant as it becomes available.

September 24-26: Lutherans For Life National Conference, Great Wolf Lodge, Colorado Springs, CO.  The theme for the conference is I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.  Save the dates, more information will be forthcoming at https://lutheransforlife.org/conferences/.