40 Days for Life sponsors prayer vigils outside Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities across the US and Canada and around the world, twice a year in the runup to Holy Week (spring) and All Saints’ Day (autumn).  Babies’ lives have been saved, abortion workers have quit, and abortion facilities have closed, through the loving outreach on the part of volunteers and participants. Groups from LCMS congregations and circuits have participated in their communities.  Information available at https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/.

The American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists maintains a directory of life-affirming OB-GYN physicians practicing in the United States. You may access the directory at https://aaplog.org/find-a-pro-life-obgyn-search/. This list is for informational purposes only; the English District does not endorse individual practices.